Introduction to Flowlet

3 min read

Flowlet is a low-code platform that allows you to integrate with APIs and provide your own API. It uses modern standards, with a focus on web standards. We use JSON by default, while XML is supported via transformations. Therefore, our platform is well suited for JSON-based techniques like OAuth, JWT, and JSON REST APIs. Unlike many no-code platforms, Flowlet does not provide a user interface builder. Instead, Flowlet applications interface with APIs and related protocols like HTTP and email.


All logic is defined in flows. For example, an HTTP endpoint or recurring task (cronjob) is a flow. The flow consists of blocks, each containing its own logic. You can add blocks and connect them to create an application. The REST endpoint, for example, always includes a start and end block. You can configure the path in the start block, for example, /api/post/{id}.

REST endpoint configuration

Then you connect the start block to a Read Post block and connect the id from the start block with the input for Read Post.

Connect blocks

Then, connect the output from Read Post to the end block to provide output for this flow. Now you completed the REST endpoint.


There are two parts where you can use code instead of no-code flows. First, you can add a Script block that lets you use TypeScript to process the block's input. Secondly, when configuring the input for a block. This is a powerful addition to no-code flows because you can easily do little transformations as you would typically do in programming.

Typescript in flow


All changes made to flows are directly activated. No deployment process is needed. This makes API integration and microservice development a breeze because you can immediately test your changes and hence iterate faster. Furthermore, you don't need to set up backups and logging. All applications run in a scalable and secured cloud.

Data storage

Many applications require database storage. Flowlet comes with a built-in database that is directly accessible from the flows and scripts. This database supports all basic CRUD actions: create, read, update, delete and list multiple records that match given filter criteria.


In Flowlet, an application runs in a workspace. This is a collection of flows and database tables that run at its own domain, for example, You can create additional workspaces for test environments. To manage your workspaces, click on the "Manage" link in the bottom-left corner.


You can manage the available backups and backup schedule on the settings page in your Flowlet workspace. Backups include all data definitions, data records, flows, and settings. Automatic backups are created at most daily at the configured time. Additionally, you can create a backup on demand.